The Michael Boice Collaboration

"Leading Edge Pool with spruce mountain flagstone."

Leading Edge Pool


The appeal of a leading edge pool is derived from creating a mirrored composition between the pool’s water surface and a backdrop that may be a forest, a fanciful landscape or another large body of water.  Each utilize reflectivity or mirroring in a different way…


This eye shaped leading edge pool utilizes our 35 degree peripheral vision as a way of camouflaging the two ends of the pool from certain perspectives.  We wanted the pool to blend into the existing landscape without drawing attention to the ‘ends’…the length of the pool at 63 feet is instrumental in the affect.


The elevation of the pool was chosen to create a very good connection with Long Island Sound between mid and high tides while viewing the pool from the main floor of the house.


Wappinger Falls, New York

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