A sweeping mass of SunPatiens, Dwarf Fountain Grass, Amelanchier, St John's Wort and Annabelle Hydrangea [Best_Wordpress_Gallery id="22" gal_title="Commercial Designs"]

Commercial Designs

Designers of Fine Landscapes and Garden Structures Landscape design for gardens and Garden Structures that stand out. We design and maintain projects throughout the New York area for any type of location indoor, outdoor, large or small.

The Michael Boice Collaboration

3D Design and Hand Drawings by T M B C. [Best_Wordpress_Gallery id="20" gal_title="3d Design and Sketching"]

3d Design and Sketching

Landscapes [Best_Wordpress_Gallery id="19" gal_title="Landscapes"]


Carpentry Gallery
[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id="17" gal_title="Carpentry Gallery"]

Carpentry Gallery

This pool environment incorporates a social dining and entertaining space that spills into the pool at the spa flanked by sun shelves. A wall was incorporated into the center of the pool to help separate the social area of the pool from the swim lane. The wall element will also serve as a support for a future pergola that connects both the social area of the spa and pool with the adjacent dining space. These two space literally become one. The hardscape material combinations along with the plantings provide this space with a strong Mediterranean feel. [Best_Wordpress_Gallery id="15" gal_title="Social Dining and Entertaining space with Pool"]

Social Dining and Entertaining Space with Pool

Nouveau Mediterranean

The Michael Boice Collaboration Designs Fine Landscape and Landscape Structures that will last. A great example is what the Nouveau Mediterranean architecture which offers a rich old world backdrop from which to design from. The context of landscape and pottery elements chosen for this property offer an escape for guests, and bring back childhood memories for its owner.
[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id="1" gal_title="Nouveau Mediterranean"]

Nouveau Mediterranean architecture